So you remember maybe about that teen-targeted webseries I mentioned in that last post?Yeah, that took over my life. Everyone's lives, to be precise.
All 19 of us. (there are 19 people in our class)
You know what, despite the days when I thought about setting some paperwork on fire, or wanting to eat a carton of ice cream in one go (kinda did that, actually), it was a rollercoaster of learning.
I also love my classmates even more. They are a truly talented, amazing bunch.
(We even did a live show! How fan-effing-tastic is it that we pulled it off!)
All this, on top of regular school work and our personal lives (not that I have much to begin with, but y'know).
And after several days of sleep, food, and mildly violent video games, I feel like I'm human again. Which means I need to clean my apartment.
The series is called Apples to Ostriches, and you can check it out here:
And here are some social media links!
It's been a silent month on this blog, but May will be much better, I promise. Regular Japanese TV and sumo and book ramblings shall resume. I've got a lot of stuff on my mind...
((Oh, and on an somewhat unrelated note, here's my 'Booklog' account that I've been tinkering with. It's where you can keep record of what you've read, and also post reviews. Now the world can see my skewered, cray cray reading habits! ))